Monday, December 17, 2007

You Like Me, You Really Like Me!

So, a priest, a rabbi, and a giraffe walk into a bar. The priest says to the rabbi, "Hey, let's see if we can get the giraffe to..." oh wait...

I got an email this morning from the lovely folks at the WellFed Network's Food Blog awards. The subject line was "FBA Winner!" I was really psyched and honored, and ran to their site to see which category French Laundry at Home won -- Best New Blog, or Best Blog (Humor)? I would've been pleased with either one, honestly. But you know what? My jaw is still on the floor, people... I won BOTH!

Wow. Just, wow, you guys. I honestly didn't expect to win AT ALL -- I was up against some very popular, well-loved blogs. Thank you, everyone, for your votes and your hilarious comments and emails along the way.

The only other blog to win two categories? A certain Michael Ruhlman, who won Best Food Blog, Chef and Best Blog, Industry. Congrats, Michael. More than well deserved.

Congrats also to Heidi Swanson/101 Cookbooks (Blog of the Year), Anita/Married with Dinner (Best Blog, Drinks). Two great blogs, and fantastic women who write them. Check them out if you haven't already.

Here's a complete list of all winners: 2007 Food Blog Award winners

I'll have a food-related post up in a day or two, but I just wanted to come in here and say thank you. And, while I have your attention, remind you that there are 14 days left in the French Laundry at Home Share Our Strength donation campaign. Click here, and list French Laundry at Home as the "honoree" and I'll match 10% of total monies raised by the end of the year. If you're not comfortable donating online, you can send a check (with French Laundry at Home in the memo line of your check) to:

Share Our Strength
ATTN: Amy Zganjar
1730 M Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036

Again, many many thanks.


Katy said...


Anonymous said...

Well Deserved! I’m an avid reader. What are you going to do when you finish the book? What are WE going to do when you finish the book?! I've been thinking about your SOS campaign...and it has made me think about the cash I've dropped on high end, rare specialty ingredients/meats for meals I have prepared (example: the dry aged, organic, prime rib from Whole Foods which was $100+ for Christmas one year). RIDICULOUS and EXTRAVAGENT when you think $100 could feed a hungry family for a week and maybe more. My fellow readers, if you’re enjoying this blog you are one of discriminating tastes. You are willing to plunk down money for a superb meal and the wine that goes with it. You know who you are! We are fortunate that we can be self indulged this way. Let us remember those (especially children) who do not know where their next meal is coming from…(fyi, I’m not a “bleeding heart”, just someone moved by Carol’s generosity).

Anita (Married... with dinner) said...

Couldn't happen to a nicer blogger :)

I am so tickled that you won twice.

Cookie baker Lynn said...

Congratulations! Congratulations! (Since you won in two categories, you deserve it twice)

Mike of Mike's Table said...

Congrats :-)

Hillary said...

Congratulations! (Awesome, all of my picks won!)

Karen said...

You won them both? Couldn't have happened to a more well-deserving blog! Good ON ya, Diner Girl!

Rachel Luxemburg said...

Awesome news, and much deserved! Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Major Whoot-age and gallons of Congrats-tini's all around!

I'm so proud!

tammy said...

Congrats, Diner Girl. Great job. You were the one I wanted to lose to!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and well deserved!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Carol! A well-deserverd win!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. To quote Chef Gusteau, "Anyone can cook!" Your blog makes me believe it - you have the patience and perspective to make it happen again and agin. I applaud your courage to tackle the recipes in this cookbook and look forward to living vicariously for the remainder of your experience, and beyond to the next collection. (Do I hear "Joy of Cooking?")

michael, claudia and sierra said...

so well deserved. and just the beginning of many more wonderful things to come...

Anonymous said...


And I have a challenge for all the readers..donate to SOS and make Carol feel that 10%!

Tara the Foodie said...

Congrats! Good for you! You must be so excited. I really enjoy your blog and your style of writing and humor. Keep it up and hopefully you'll continue writing about another cookbook when you're done with this one!

Unknown said...

"It wasn't about mechanics; it was about a feeling, wanting to give someone something, which in turn was really gratifying. That really resonated for me."....Thomas Keller

This is what you have done for me,and I suspect many others!!!

Congrats on all your awards and on making my week with your blog.

Time to do the "happy dance"!!!!

Babeth said...

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Job well done.

mary grimm said...

Congratulations! Although it's no surprise to your readers.

Alice Q. Foodie said...

Congratulations!!! I am so not surprised you won, your stuff is hilarious. I love it and I'm looking forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

Who said anything about liking you?I thought it always seemed like love at first sight.

Well deserved wins.

Anonymous said...

I voted for you twice, and you won twice. WOW. If only I could affect my waistline and my sex life as potently!

Congrats Carol - love your blog, lady.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It's well deserved! I've ordered the French Laundry cookbook and plan to use your site as my guide to cooking the various recipes. I can't wait! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Carol. No one deserves it more. The moral of this is to never underestimate the power of Celine, candied apples and crabs!

I vote for Bouchon as your second project!

Ryan said...

I know I'm a little late, but congrats! But then again, your blog is so good of course it was going to win. :)